After the Ceremony: Yichud and Seudat Mitzvah


Jewish Wedding: Yichud

Jewish Wedding: Yichud

Following the ceremony, the newly weds customarily spend a few minutes in a private room for yichud, which means “togetherness.”  There, they will quietly share the excitement of their first moments together as husband and wife.  Since the wedding day is often a whirlwind, these private moments of yichud often are the only private moments the bride and groom will share for the entire day.  This time is really special, and they then emerge from yichud as a couple to greet their guests.

Seudat Mitzvah (The Wedding Feast)

According to Jewish law, the wedding guests are commanded to celebrate, to have fun, and to increase the joy of the bride and groom on their wedding day. So, dancing, singing, and rejoicing throughout the night is very much encouraged!

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